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#1 was quite the lit 说:
2016年8月27日 10:26

#1 was quite the little curlycue! Hairy little buggers, weren’t they? Something on your tools was leaving little black smudges and specks all over. Perhaps two straight pins would work.

… ich wür 说:
2016年8月27日 04:48

… ich würde einmal in den Recovery-Modus wechseln und dort ”Wipe” und den Cache löschen -> dann wieder normal starten und noch einmal versuchen in den Einstellungen die Apn zu ändern!!!

A bit surprised it s 说:
2016年8月24日 09:19

A bit surprised it seems to simple and yet useful.

Faleminderit per ver 说:
2016年8月24日 00:49

Faleminderit per verejtjen Tonito, do te punojme me mire te kjo pjese.Faleminderit edhe per suportin tend ne perkthimin e atij filmi, mund t’i sjellesh titrat kur te duash, nuk ka problem

I'm not quite sure h 说:
2016年8月23日 15:42

I'm not quite sure how to say this; you made it extremely easy for me!

This debate isn' 说:
2016年8月23日 06:07

This debate isn't about "medical" marijuana. And no reasonable person believes that someone should suffer the pain of disease so that they can be made "stronger". In fact, I am much more suspicious of the drive to legalize pot as a medical treatment. First, we have much better pain medications than pot. Second, given the modus operandi of the left, if pot is accepted as therapy, it will not be long before we are all taxed so that pot users can get their "meds".

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